Sunday, December 8, 2019

Remove plaque from teeth with 5 tricks you can do yourself

Remove plaque from teeth home remedy 

Some home remedies are better than others here are 5 tricks you can use at home 

These cures are very effective at removing plaque, but they should be used moderately as they can be very aggressive and weaken your teeth' with continuous use. sometimes it's just not possible to pay for a dentist and it can be expensive in many ways. Before you read the article below, just know that if you have a child that needs to remove plaque from their teeth we would highly recommend, first trying all the latest toothbrushes on the market as they are better alternatives for children's dental health. The tips below are strictly for adults. I'm located in New Jersey and have my very own dental practice. So I understand that sometimes paying for a dentist without dental insurance can be difficult and hard for some of my patients financially. That's why I created the guide below to help people remove plaque from there teeth right at home. Enjoy, Joseph Natoli 

What is Plaque?

Plaque is the yellowish coating that adheres to the tooth enamel, especially in areas around the gums. It consists of mineral salts, food and other residues that promote bacterial growth and the appearance of ugly stains on the surface of your teeth. It is important to remove plaque because otherwise, it can lead to poor oral hygiene.

Since it forms a rough surface on which food particles can get stuck, it attracts more particles to eventually form a hard layer. Over time, this interacts with certain foods, which release acids that lead to caries and inflammation.

This makes it important to start with good hygiene habits for oral health. Follow some routine habits to prevent the occurrence of oral health problems.

The good news is that there are several home remedies that can help you remove plaque without affecting your oral health

Home Remedies to remove plaque 

1. Bicarbonate for Plaque Removal 

Bicarbonate is a classic cure for removing plaque and tartar that forms on the teeth. It is abrasive, neutralizes harmful acids and interferes with the growth of bacteria that lead to dangerous infections.


  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Instructions
  • Combine the two ingredients and moisten with a little water to create a batter.
  • Use the batter to brush your teeth and leave for five minutes before rinsing with plenty of water.
  • Avoid swallowing the mixture.

2. Orange peel's for Removing Plaque

The vitamin C found in orange peel is one of the best substances to fight bacterial growth and accumulation of residues on tooth enamel.


  • 1 orange peel


  • Take a fresh orange peel and rub the inside (the white part) against the teeth for three minutes.
  • Repeat the treatment every night before going to bed.

3. Remove plaque with strawberries

The natural acids in strawberries change the environment that bacteria need to grow on their teeth. They reduce tartar, prevent loss of tooth enamel and have an alkalizing effect on the body .

  • 2 ripe strawberries

4. Parsley leaf removes Plaque (recipe)

Parsley has antibacterial and astringent properties that improve your oral health in general. Using parsley in mouthwash helps remove plaque and dead bacteria that cause bad breath.

  • 6 parsley leaves
  • 25 cl of water
  • Instructions
  • Remove the leaves from the stalk and place them in the boiling water.
  • Let brew for ten minutes, gargle the solution and brush as usual.
  • Repeat three times daily.
  • If you want

5. Homemade toothpaste

Making your own toothpaste to remove plaque is very easy and does not require aggressive chemical agents.

This cure benefits from the antibacterial constituents of coconut oil as well as the beneficial properties of bicarbonate. These two are combined to create a very effective and ecological cure to remove plaque and pale teeth.

  • 13 cl of organic coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons bicarbonate
  • 2 packets of stevia in powder form
  • 20 drops of essential mint oil
  • Instructions
  • Combine all ingredients in a sealable glass container to create a smooth cream.
  • Put some of the creams on the toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual.
  • Repeat three to four times a day.
  • Do you want to know more? Read: Clean your teeth with 100% natural products

these home remedies for removing plaque from your teeth are important and we recommend that you try them at home.

Natoli Dental: JOSEPH N. NATOLI, DMD
188 Fries Mill Rd., Suite M5
Turnersville, NJ 08012
(856) 262-0600

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